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Men’s Morning Light takes a less traveled mystical road to fanning the flames of faith.

Known for his humorous ‘trapperisms,’ legally blind radio personality turned KofC Faith Director, Trapper Jack, ‘sees’ things that many of us miss in Catholic teachings.

Here is a fresh uplifting  approach to the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Feb 22, 2023


Amidst all the prophecies of imminent chastisement, has God just hit the pause button?

Check out Trapper's podcast, Touched by Heaven for further evidence:

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Feb 16, 2023


A first-hand account of the Holy Spirit in action.

Feb 9, 2023


Here's a short selection of the craziest prayer requests God has answered from Trapper's 'Touched by Heaven' podcast.

Feb 2, 2023


While watching the movie "The Sting" we were reminded that on the world stage nothing is as it may seem!