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Men’s Morning Light takes a less traveled mystical road to fanning the flames of faith.

Known for his humorous ‘trapperisms,’ legally blind radio personality turned KofC Faith Director, Trapper Jack, ‘sees’ things that many of us miss in Catholic teachings.

Here is a fresh uplifting  approach to the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

May 4, 2022


Which angels are you listening to?

Apr 27, 2022

MML 035

Admit it, we don't trust God.

Pam Lile's book, "Lead Me Lord"

Apr 20, 2022

MML 034

The least understood, most powerful day of the year, Divine Mercy Sunday. 

Link to Father Chris Alar, MIC

Apr 13, 2022

Proof of Jesus' resurrection, the Holy Fire!

Apr 6, 2022


The Passion like you've never heard it before.