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Men’s Morning Light takes a less traveled mystical road to fanning the flames of faith.

Known for his humorous ‘trapperisms,’ legally blind radio personality turned KofC Faith Director, Trapper Jack, ‘sees’ things that many of us miss in Catholic teachings.

Here is a fresh uplifting  approach to the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Nov 23, 2022

MML 060

Today would not be a good day to listen to this, maybe tomorrow.

Nov 17, 2022

MML 059

The confessional is sometimes awkward, but is a blessed gift.


Nov 10, 2022


Dead bread or the sacred heart of Jesus, which is it? Just ask a cardiologist. Complete Video - Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires: Darwin’s Downfall. Bread to Human Heart. A Shock to Science. Documented by Ron Tesoriero.

Nov 4, 2022

MML 57

Trapper explores the possibilities of where the church may be headed in the near future.  Which shepherd will you follow?