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Men’s Morning Light takes a less traveled mystical road to fanning the flames of faith.

Known for his humorous ‘trapperisms,’ legally blind radio personality turned KofC Faith Director, Trapper Jack, ‘sees’ things that many of us miss in Catholic teachings.

Here is a fresh uplifting  approach to the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Dec 22, 2022

This blood appears to have come from a man who has a mother, but not a father.

To learn more about Ron Tesoriero and his research, listen to Trapper's Touched by Heaven podcast, Episode...

Dec 15, 2022

MML 063

While you may be familiar with the image of Our Lady of Guadalupe, you may not have heard about the other Guadalupe.

Dec 8, 2022

MML 062

Trapper reflects on the many gifts of Medjugorje and why he and Elizabeth are headed back in May 2023.

For more information, here is the link:

To get the early bird discount, write "Trapper" in the...

Dec 1, 2022


Sylvia fell asleep behind the wheel. She woke up ten miles down the road.

Touched by Heaven Link: