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Men’s Morning Light takes a less traveled mystical road to fanning the flames of faith.

Known for his humorous ‘trapperisms,’ legally blind radio personality turned KofC Faith Director, Trapper Jack, ‘sees’ things that many of us miss in Catholic teachings.

Here is a fresh uplifting  approach to the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Jun 29, 2022

MML 043

This date was not random. God chose this particular day because it is a birthday and two feast days. 

Jun 22, 2022

MML 042

Belief in God is on the decline despite the many signs that indicate that He is in our presence.

Jun 8, 2022

MML 041

As a blind guy, nothing is more frustrating than not being able to see what is right in front of me. At times, such is also the case with the church.

Link to Medjugorje Pilgrimage:

Jun 2, 2022

MML 040

No one would have bet on Laura's conversion, but something happened at Medjugorje.

Listen to Trapper's podcast, then click here for more details to join us in Medjugorje: